Thursday, August 15, 2013

White Rock Lake Weekly On Clovis Road

Robert J. Samuelson and Judge Ted Z. Robertson
Ms. Lucy Higginbotham writes an column for the White Rock Lake Weekly called "Meet Your Neighbor." Today's article titled "Want ad uncovers romance, mysteries" featured her views on the Clovis Road epic and was based on an interview last week with the authors, +Judge Ted Z.  Robertson, and communications with +Ms. Anna Nupson, managing partner of Mulligan Life Entertainment. The link to the feature article is: Here is the headline from the front page and a photo of Judge Ted Robertson with Bob Samuelson after Ted rushed down this afternoon to get his copy after he heard the news that the paper was out. To purchase a copy of Clovis Road see the  post from yesterday on this blog.
White Rock Weekly Aug 16, 2013 Page One

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