Friday, August 30, 2013

Clovis Road Questions or Comments

We have studied and thought about the story of the Dr. Roy Hunt murders for five years and the facts never cease to ask as many questions as they answer. We would like the readers to comment or ask those questions here about this story and we will try to answer them. For instance, they tried Jim C. Thomas for the Hunt murders successfully multiple times in the Littlefield area without ever really addressing the motive for him to do the killings. Why? Why were the Smith and Wenig detectives that went out across Texas always asking the people they interviewed about drugs if drugs was not on the mind of the prosecutors and family. Why didn't Mrs Stokes, the druggist's wife,  with the lost pony, ever view a line up?
We are aware that there is a remnant that cannot accept the guilt of Dr. Newton and we ask that those of that number who make comments or ask questions not use it as an anonymous forum to promote his innocence.
Soon we begin another Texas true crime writing project but have time now for readers.
The Samuelsons

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