Saturday, June 29, 2013

Doctors Dealt Drugs In Lamb County

 Lamb County Leader News September 27, 1938
Today one can read in the most recent press release of the Texas Medical Board on June 28, 2013 about Texas doctors having their narcotic permits removed or suspended for illegal distribution of narcotics, i.e "was arrested for transporting marijuana for drug traffickers and used drugs recreationally." This has gone on for years. Turn the clock back to the late 1930s, and the rules were being broken at that time so close to Littlefield that one could not help take notice. The  office of sheriff of Lamb county was vacated in 1935 because of violation of public trust and a federal conviction. The new sheriff had to be appointed. Sam Hutson, who would be sheriff in Lamb County at the time of the Dr. Roy Hunt murder, was under suspicion and investigated in 1935. The notice in the paper on September 27, 1938 of a Lamb county doctor  having federal charges brought against him must have shocked the citizens. Read Clovis Road II and see how Dr. Billy Newton and +Dr. Roy Hunt were involved in "dope ring" issues in the 1940s. Write to Highgate Publishing and send $36.81 in check or money order to receive your copy.

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