Sunday, June 2, 2013

Clovis Road Fans Visit Dallas

Terry and Sandra Smith - Dana and Robert Samuelson
The Samuelsons, authors of Clovis Road, spent the evening of June 1, 2013 at dinner in Dallas with +Terry D. Smith and his lovely wife Sandra of Granbury, Texas. The occasion was a two and a half hour update on the release of Clovis Road II and report on the progress of the movie project. We met at Al Biernat's for dinner. They also shared stories about grandchildren (4), his new homes under construction (2), and their plans for trips to Tuscany and the southern Caribbean. Terry D. Smith is a 1965 Littlefield High School graduate, and he builds custom homes in the Granbury area. +Sandra Wylder Smith is a senior sales manager for a hotel and spa in Santa Fe. The Smiths are great fans of the Clovis Road epic. Terry also reported on a recent visit to Littlefield where his father, Otis Smith ran "Smitty's Barber Shop" and his mother Velma ran a women's apparel store, the "Fashion House" when Terry grew up there.
Sandra Smith and Dana Samuelson

Terry and Sandra Smith with Dana Samuelson

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