Sunday, April 21, 2013

Milam County Museum

The place to start in Cameron for information about the W. R. Newton family is the Milam County Museum. The two plaster Newton lions reside at the old county jail museum. Artifacts like the one pictured are on display in the museum annex on the square. Mr. Charles King is the director and we visited him on two occasions in the summer of 2009 to gather basic information on the Newtons for Clovis Road and to purchase a copy of Matchless Milam a great resource on the +W. R. Newton family.
Clovis Road II, the second edition, is available by writing Highgate Publishing, 6257 Highgate Lane, Dallas, Texas, 75214 and sending a check or money order for $36.81. First editions are still available at a discounted price.
Researching Clovis Road Writer Dana M. Samuelson with Mr. Charles King, Milam County Museum Director- 2009

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