Thursday, April 11, 2013

Anna Nupson and Clovis Road II

The film production company, Mulligan Life Entertainment, taking the Clovis Road project forward is headed by  +Anna K. Nupson. You can view their Facebook page at Mulligan Life Entertainment.


  1. We at Mulligan Life are very excited to embark on the adventure of bringing "Clovis Road" to the big screen. Bob and Dana Samuelson's Second Edition is chock-full of new shocking revelations and information. It is a thrilling page-turner that you have to read to believe!

    We are very proud to be associated with such an amazing book and with people as wonderful as Bob and Dana Samuelson. Don't just sit there, buy your copy of the Second Edition of "Clovis Road" today! You'll be glad you did!

    Anna K. Nupson

  2. This is very exciting! I'm proud of my fellow classmate and friends, Bob and Dana. They took something ugly and evil and created a page-turner, indeed!
