Saturday, July 30, 2016

Book Sales Update - Littlefield, Texas


by Dana Middlebroooks Samuelson and Robert J. Samuelson, M.D.
Now available exclusively at the 
Littlefield Lands Duggan House Museum in Littlefield
Both first and second editions available - Screen rights are still under contract
Essential Littlefield historical true crime story from the 1940s

Copies by mail: Highgate Publishing, LLC 6257 Highgate Lane, Dallas, Texas 75214

Friday, March 28, 2014

Phelps Avenue, Littlefield, Texas 1940-1945

On page sixty-six of the Second Edition of Clovis Road a triangle is mentioned that contained the Littlefield Jail where the W. R. Newton’s spent the night in 1942. It is formed by the Hunt’s hospital to the west, the McCormick Station north just east of the depot, and the Hunt home to the east. Also, inside that triangle was the heart of the  business district on Phelps Avenue. It is pictured in this 1940 post card. Looking north toward the railroad depot at the end of the avenue on the Clovis Road one can see the Palace Theater on the west side and Stokes Pharmacy on the east side. Certainly the Hunt’s walked Phelps Avenue, shopped and ate there, attended movies, and visited the Stokes Pharmacy.  This card was provided by Rev. Jim Harris of Littlefield who has been active in the preservation of the history of Littlefield.
Phelps Avenue, Littlefield 1940
Compare the 1940 card with the photo used in the 1945 magazine article about the Hunt murders.
Phelps Avenue West Side about 1945

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Not Our Doctor Roy - And His Wife, Too!

1945 Article on the Dr. Roy Hunt Murder
Highgate Publishing has obtained a copy of the 1945 article from a true crime magazine about the Dr. Roy Hunt murders. At the same time we have begun a new book based on a true crime in the Dallas area in 2001.
Dana Middlebrooks Samuelson and Robert J. Samuelson -2014

Monday, December 2, 2013

2013 Clovis Road Greeting

+Robert J. Samuelson, M.D. and +Dana Middlebrooks Samuelson

Thanksgiving is over, the tree is up, the cards are addressed, and the gifts are wrapped. Orders are coming in for copies of +Clovis Road II to be given for 2013 Christmas presents. Celebrate the coming Advent. Be sure and order your copies of the epic story of the +Dr. Roy Hunt murder in time to be wrapped and under the tree by sending $36.81 to Highgate Publishing, LLC, 6257 Highgate Lane, Dallas, Texas 75214. Thank you all for a great year. The Samuelsons
Happy Holidays from the Clovis Road authors +Robert J. Samuelson, M.D. and +Dana Middlebrooks Samuelson

Monday, November 4, 2013

James C. Thomas and the Nebraska Bank Holdup of 1931

Mr. Monty McCord of Hastings, Nebraska, along with the History Press, have published   The 1931 Hastings Bank Job and the Bloody Bandit Trail. This 160 page paperback was published in 2013 and recounts the story of the men and women, including +James Clyde Thomas, who robbed the Hastings National Bank. In Chapter 12, titled “Jim Clyde, Dr Hunt and the Texas Rangers,” Mr. McCord  adds the story of the Dr. Roy Hunt murder to Jim’s dossier, and reveals the fate of Jim Clyde Thomas in Chapter 14. Several  previously unpublished photographs of Jim Clyde Thomas  were provided by Jim Thomas relatives presently living  in Texas, and Mr. McCord has revived photos from the Hastings Tribune. Anyone interested in the Hunt murder saga and Jim Clyde Thomas will want to add this book to their true crime library. We ordered our copy from History Press. The complete story of the Dr. Roy Hunt murder, Clovis Road II, can be purchased from Highgate Publishing LLC, 6257 Highgate Lane, Dallas, Texas 75214.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

70th Anniversary of the Dr. Roy Hunt Murder

Lamb County Leader October, 1943 Single click to enlarge

Lamb County Leader August, 2008
Saturday marks the 70th year since the Dr. Roy Hunt murders. The story of Roy and Mae
has attracted media attention for years. Dr. Hunt said he didn’t know of a motive for his attempted murder in 1942 by the W. R. Newtons of Cameron, Texas but he identified them at the scene of the shooting. The mystery around Dr. Hunts negotiation of  a payment with his attempted murderer, +Dr. W.R. Newton, Jr., and his weak testimony against the Newtons at trial just before he was murdered is explained in Clovis Road. Conveniently, the Hunts were murdered just weeks before the trial set November 15, 1943 for Mrs. Ruth Newton. Dr. Hunt had powerful enemies who brought hired killer +James Clyde Thomas to Littlefield that fateful night. It would take years for the legal system to eventually fail to bring those powerful enemies to justice. Don’t miss a single fascinating detail of this true epic Texas tragedy.