Monday, December 2, 2013

2013 Clovis Road Greeting

+Robert J. Samuelson, M.D. and +Dana Middlebrooks Samuelson

Thanksgiving is over, the tree is up, the cards are addressed, and the gifts are wrapped. Orders are coming in for copies of +Clovis Road II to be given for 2013 Christmas presents. Celebrate the coming Advent. Be sure and order your copies of the epic story of the +Dr. Roy Hunt murder in time to be wrapped and under the tree by sending $36.81 to Highgate Publishing, LLC, 6257 Highgate Lane, Dallas, Texas 75214. Thank you all for a great year. The Samuelsons
Happy Holidays from the Clovis Road authors +Robert J. Samuelson, M.D. and +Dana Middlebrooks Samuelson

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