Wednesday, October 23, 2013

70th Anniversary of the Dr. Roy Hunt Murder

Lamb County Leader October, 1943 Single click to enlarge

Lamb County Leader August, 2008
Saturday marks the 70th year since the Dr. Roy Hunt murders. The story of Roy and Mae
has attracted media attention for years. Dr. Hunt said he didn’t know of a motive for his attempted murder in 1942 by the W. R. Newtons of Cameron, Texas but he identified them at the scene of the shooting. The mystery around Dr. Hunts negotiation of  a payment with his attempted murderer, +Dr. W.R. Newton, Jr., and his weak testimony against the Newtons at trial just before he was murdered is explained in Clovis Road. Conveniently, the Hunts were murdered just weeks before the trial set November 15, 1943 for Mrs. Ruth Newton. Dr. Hunt had powerful enemies who brought hired killer +James Clyde Thomas to Littlefield that fateful night. It would take years for the legal system to eventually fail to bring those powerful enemies to justice. Don’t miss a single fascinating detail of this true epic Texas tragedy.

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