Saturday, May 29, 2010

Ups and Downs on Clovis Road

The downs - the independent publisher award went to "Dead Weight." The Lubbbock Avalanche Journal entertainment editor is not answering our emails for followup. Texas Monthly says we were "too late" submitting the book for consideration, it went to them the month it came out, February? The Dallas News saying they only consider books from large publishing houses. The ups - great comments and letters coming in from the hundreds of readers who have the book. The article in the Plainview Herald. The article in the Lamb County Leader. The outreach from the Southwest Collection at Texas Tech. The book is in two museums and three libraries. The blog has Judy as its first follower..... Actually the Clovis Road outside Littlefield is pretty flat and the furrows in the nearby fields were just deep enough to hide Dr. Hunt after he was shot. A year ago we were going through the mountain of material from Harold LaFont's files from Plainview. Saw that Mr. Lenro Keeton died about 1966. He was one of the people bound up by Jim Thomas.

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