Friday, September 27, 2013

Clovis Road Second Suspect in Hunt Murder

Leader News October 1943
Early on in the investigation of the Dr. Roy Hunt murder articles appeared with large print about a second suspect besides James C. Thomas.  Red Craig, who drove Jim to Childress on the evening of the murders, was eventually questioned. In previous jobs Jim Thomas had a driver or accomplice, in the Keeton case in 1941, in the murder of Lon Holley in 1948, in the Baxter Honey case in 1942, and probably in the Hunt case in 1943. Mrs. Stokes saw two strange men in the Hunt neighborhood just before the murders. Probably Hubert A. Deere or Red Craig was with Thomas that night and probably the next. Read about the fate of Jim Thomas in the Second Edition of Clovis Road available from Highgate Publishing, 6257 Highgate Lane, Dallas, Texas 75214.
Dr. Roy Hunt Home Rear View 2009

Monday, September 16, 2013

Knot Evidence Not Used Why Not?

Galveston News, Nov. 3, 1943 page 2
Early on in the +Dr. Roy Hunt murder investigation was the claim that the Texas Rangers early on linked Jim Thomas to the case because of the type knots used on the cords and ropes on the bodies compared with the knots used on the Lenro Keaton couple in nearby Lubbock a couple of years before the Hunt murder. These observations did not come into to trial evidence by the prosecution. The knot theories are another interesting aspect of the circumstantial case against +James C. Thomas. Read all about the cases, the evidence, and the trials in Clovis Road.