Sunday, September 19, 2010

On Clovis Road

A man who read Clovis Road called us from Cameron, Texas on Friday. He was at the Dairy Queen in Cameron and had read the Clovis Road. He wanted directions to Newton Lake and the site of the Newton house fire. We gave him as much information as he needed and he found the sites. Also heard from a few others over the weekend who enjoyed the book. The guy who called had a lot of questions about his favorite character in the book, Ruth Nichols. We answered what we could.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Lamb County Thru the Years

We just received this weekend the Museum Cookbook from the Littlefield Lands/Duggan House Museum. The title is "Lamb County Thru the Years." It was a copyright date of 2009, like Clovis Road, and contains many Lamb County recipes as a welcome and historical section at the front. The introduction is by David B. Gracy II.