Saturday, April 24, 2010


Yesterday we were able to finally contact someone on the staff of the Lubbock Avalanche Journal who wanted to hear about the book. Their book and information is in the mail and they seemed very interested. The second printing was picked up on Thursday from Taylor and has several small corrections from the first printing. Got an order today from Palacios, Texas. Turns out that the person's boss at the Avalanche told them the book was not to be reviewed (email July 13) and to kill the review.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Clovis Road Second Printing

Taylor Publishing notified us that the second printing of the book is available to be picked up tomorrow. There were three corrections from the first printing only one involved fact. One person commented today that just finished reading the book said that it was very well done. Everyone wants to know why we started the project in the first place. The book has been entered in the Independent Publishers Award contest for this year and will be entered in the Texas Institute of Letters competition for this year also. A representative of the Texas Tech Library system was in Dallas this past weekend and talked with Dana and myself at a local book store for about an hour and a half about the book and its concept.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Nothing new has happened on the book, lately, but Bob does have an article that is due to come out in a Baylor magazine called "Baylor Proceedings." I don't know if it will just be a review of the anesthesia and medicine that was practiced at the time, or if the editor will elaborate on the story of the book. I hope that the editor does both.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Jerry Scott Hughes

Yesterday the funeral for the man that wrote the Foreword to Clovis Road was held in Midlothian Texas. Burial was in Garland, Texas. Jerry was remembered as a gentleman and man who had a very full life.